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    Manipur Information Commission


List of State Public Information Officers...
S.N. Name of Department Name and Designation
of PIO
Name and Designation of APIO Name and Designation of FAA
1 Adult Education      
2 Agriculture Under Secretary S.O. Commissioner
3 Art & Culture      
4 CADA Jt. Secretary    
5 Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution Under Secretary Section Officer Principal Secretary/Commissioner/Secretary
6 Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms 
1. AR
2. DP
3. DP

1.Addl. Secretary(AR) 
2.Under Secretary DP-I
3.Under Secretary DP-II
1. Commissioner
2. Commissioner
3. Commissioner
7 Education (Schools) Deputy Secretary   Principal Secretary
8 Family Welfare Department Jt. Secretary Under Secretary Commissioner/Secretary
9 Finance Department Addl. Secretary    
10 Forest Department 1. Special Secretary
2. Deputy Secretary
  Principal Secretary
11 General Administrative Department Jt. Secretary    
12 Health & Medical Services Under Secretary    
13 Hills Department     Commissioner
14 Home A.K. Sinha Spl.Secretary Vandana Karki, D.G.P. Control Room Commissioner
15 Horticulture Under Secretary   Commissioner
16 IFCD Under Secretary

Section Officer Commissioner/Secretary
17 Labour & Employment Under Secretary   Principal Secretary
18 MAHUD Addl. Secretary   Commissioner
19 Manipur Aids Control Society Project Director   Commissioner
20 Minor Irrigation Jt. Secretary   Commissioner
21 MOBC Under Secretary   Commissioner
22 Power Department Jt. Secretary S.O. Commisioner
23 Public Health Engineering Department 1. Deputy Secretary
2. Under Secretary
24 Revenue Addl. Secretary Deputy Secretary PrincipalSecretry/Commissioner/Secretary
25 Science & Technology Under Secretary    
26 Sericulture Under Secretary   Principal Secretary
27 State Election Commission, Manipur Jt. Chief Electoral Officer, Manipur    
28 Tourism Jt. Secretary    
29 Transport Jt. Secretary    
30 Tribal Development Jt. Secretary    
31 Higher Education Department Jt. Secretary    
32 Vety. & A.H. Services Deputy Secretary    
33 Youth Affairs & Sports Jt. Secretary    


S.N. Name of Department Name and Designation of PIO Name and Designation
Name and Designatin
of FAA
1 2 3 4 5
1 Directorate of Adult Education Addl. Director    
2 Directorate of Agriculture Agriculture Director Concerned District
Agriculture Officers
3 Directorate of Art&Culture
1. Directorate
1. Director   Commissioner
2. State Archive 2. State Archive  
3. State Museum 3. Curator, State Museum  
4. State Central Library 4. Chief Librarian  
5. Supdnt.Archaeology 5. Supdt. Archaeology  
6. Govt. Dance College 6. Principal  
7. Shri Shri Balmukunda Dev Music College 7. Principal  
8. M.F.D.C. 8. Managing Director  
9. Manipur Art College 9. Principal  
4 CADA Addl. Chief Engineer    
5 Directorate of Commerce & Industries Director   Principal Secretary, Commerce & Industries
6 Directorate of Consumer Affairs,Food &Public Distribution Distribution  
1. Imphal West District
1.D.S.O.,CAFPD,Lamphel 1. Asst. Director, CAFPD I.W., Lamphel 1.Deputy Commissioner
2. Imphal East District except Jiribam Sub-Division 2. D.S.O., CAFPD, Porompat 2. Asst. Director, CAFPD, I.E. Porompat 2.Deputy Commissioner
3. Bishnupur District 3 D.S.O.,CAFPD,Bishnupur 3. Asst. Director, CAFPD, Bishnupur 3.Deputy Commissioner
4. Thoubal District 4 D.S.O., CAFPD,Thoubal 4. Asst. Director, CAFPD, Thoubal 4.Deputy Commissioner
5. Senapati District except Kangpokpi , Saitu-Gamphazol
and Saikul Sub-Divns .
5.D.S.O., AFPD,Senapati 5. Asst. Director, CAFPD, Senapati 5.Deputy Commissioner
6. Ukhrul District 6. D.S.O., CAFPD, Ukhrul 6. Asst. Director, CAFPD, Ukhrul 6.Deputy Commissioner
7. Chandel District except Moreh & Tengnoupal Sub-Divn . 7. D.S.O., CAFPD, Chandel 7. Asst. Director, CAFPD,Chandel 7.Deputy Commissioner
8. Churachandpur District 8. D.S.O., CAFPD, CCPur 8. Asst. Director, CAFPD, CCPur 8.Deputy Commissioner
9. Tamenglong District 9.Asst. Director, CAFPD, Tamenglong 9. Asst. Director, CAFPD,Tamenglong 9.Deputy Commissioner
10. Kangpokpi , Saitu-Gamphazol and Saikul Sub-Divns . 10. Addl. Dy. Comm. Kangpokpi 10. Asst. Director,CAFPD,Kangpokpi 10.Deputy Commissioner
11. Moreh & Tengnoupal Sub-Divn . 11. Addl. Dy. Comm. Moreh 11. Asst. Director, CAFPD,Moreh 11.Deputy Commissioner
12. Jiribam Sub-Divn . 12. Addl. Dy. Comm. Jiribam 12. Asst. Director,CAFPD,Jiribam 12.Deputy Commissioner
13. Directorate Office 13. Jt. Director/CAFPD 13. Dy. Director/CAFPD,Sangaiprou 13. Director
14. State Dispute Redressal Commission 14. Registrar, District Dispute Redressal Commission, Sangaiprou 14. Bench Clerk, State Dispute Redressal Commission, Sangaiprou 14. Director
15. District Dispute Redressal Forum 15. Registrar, District Dispute Redressal Forum, Thoubal , Bishnupur , Sangaiprou 15. Bench Clerk, District Dispute Redressal Forum, Thoubal , Bishnupur , Sangaiprou 15. Director
7 Cooperatives Joint Registrar, Co-Operatives    
8 Directorate of MOBC Jt. Director    
9 Directorate of Rural Development
& Panchayati Raj
10 Directorate of Sericulture Superintendent Planning   Principal Secretary
11 Directorate of Social Welfare Department Director 1. CDPO, Imphal W/I Lamsang Commissioner/Secretary
2. CDPO, Imphal W/II Wangoi
3. CDPO, Imphal E/I Sawombung
4. CDPO, Imphal E/II Keirao Bitra
5. CDPO, Jiribam Imphal East District
6. CDPO, Chingai Ukhrul District
7. CDPO, Kamjong Ukhrul District
8. CDPO, Phungyar Ukhrul District
9. CDPO, Kasom Khullen Ukhrul District
10. CDPO, Tengnoupal Chandel District
11. CDPO, Chakpikarong Chandel District
12. CDPO, Machi Chandel District
13. CDPO, Singhat Churachandpur District
14. CDPO, Thanlon Churachandpur District
15. CDPO, Parbung CCPur District
16. CDPO, Samulamlan CCPur District
17. CDPO, Nungba Tamenglong District
18. CDPO, Tousem Tamenglong District
19. CDPO, Tamei Tamenglong District
20. CDPO, Paomata Senapati District
21. CDPO, Mao Maram Senapati District
22. CDPO, Kangpokpi Senapati District
23. CDPO, Purul Senapati District
24. CDPO, Saikul Senapati District
25. CDPO, Kakching Thoubal District
26. CDPO, Moirang Bishnupur District
12 Economics & Statistics      
13 Directorate of Education (Schools )

1. Valley

2. Hills

3. SSA

1. Addl. Director of Edn.(S/Valley)

2. Addl. Director of Edn. (S/Hills)

3. S.P.D./SSA S Mission

4. S.P.D.
1. Z.E.O., Zone-I Pincipal Secretary
2..E.O., Zone-II
3. Z.E.O., Zone-III
4. Z.E.O., Zone-IV
5. Z.E.O., Wangoi
6. Z.E.O., Kakching
7. Z.E.O., Giribam
8. Z.E.O., Ukhrul
9. Z.E.O., Senapati  
10. Z.E.O., Kangpokpi
11. Z.E.O., Tamenglong
12. Z.E.O., Chandel
13. Z.E.O., CCPur
14 Family Welfare Department
1. Directorate

1. Director
1. Addl. Director Commissioner/Secretary
2. DFWO-Imphal West 2. DFWO
3. DFWO-Imphal East 3. DFWO
4. DFWO-Thoubal 4. DFWO
5. DFWO-Bishnupur 5. DFWO
7. DIO-Chandel 7. DIO
8. DIO-Moreh 8. DIO
9. DIO-Tamenglong 9. DIO
10. DIO-Kangpokpi 10. DIO
11. DIO-Senapati 11. DIO
12. DIO-Ukhrul 12. DIO
13. R.H. & F.W. Training 13. Principal
14. F.H.W. Training Centre, Lamphel 14. Principal
15 Finance Department
1. Treasures & Accounts  
1. Director(Treasury)     
2. Small Saving 2. Director (SS)
3. Lotteries 3. Director (Lotteries)
4. Taxation 4. Commissioner (Taxation)
5. Excise 5. Commissioner( Exise )
6. Local Audit 6. Director (LFA)
7. Institutional Finance 7. Director (IF)
16 Directorate of Fisheries Addl.Director,Fisheries    








Forest Department

1.APCCF-Med.Plants&Biod. .................... 1. PCCF
2. CCF/Ter-I 2. ACF 2. APCCF: Cons & FDA
3. CCF/Ter-II 3.ACF 3. Addl. PCCF/WP/Res & Silv .
5. CCF(BIO&Clm.Change) 5.ACF 5. Addl. PCCF/Wildlife & Chief Wildlife Warden
6. CCF(Envt./Eco-Tsm/FCA)&Nodal Officer,FCA 6.ACF 6. APCCF: FCA & LM
7. CF/Wildlife 7.ACF 7. Addl. PCCF/Wildlife & Chief Wildlife Warden
8. CF/WP.Re.,Trg 8.ACF 8. Addl. PCCF/WP/Res & Silv .
9. CF/Extension 9.ACF 9. CCF/Dev.
10. CF/Adm&Plg. 10. DCF/Adm & Plg 10. CCF (Adm & Plg)
11. DFO/Tamenglong 11. RO/HQ 11. CF/Western
12. DFO/Kangpokpi .................... 12. CF/Northern
13. DFO/Jiribam 13. RO/HQ 13. CF/Western
14. DFO/Senapati 14. RO/HQ 14. CF/Northern
15. DFO/Ukhrul 15. RO/HQ 15. CF/Eastern
16. DFO/Bishnupur 16 16. CF/Southern
17. DFO/Central 17. RO/HQ 17. CF/Central
18. DFO/Chandel .......... 18. CF/Eastern
19. DFO/Churachandpur 19. RO/HQ 19. CF/Southern
20. DFO/Thoubal 20. RO/HQ 20. CF/Central
21.ACF O/o
21. Range Officer 21. Addl. PCCF/Con. & FDA
18 General Administrative Department

1. Manipur BHAVAN, ND
                                                                                                           2. 2. Manipur BHAVAN, KOL
3. Manipur BHAVAN, GHT
4. Manipur BHAVAN, Shillong
1. Seniormost DRCS
2. A. O.
4. S.O.
19 Directorate of Health Services Director   Commissioner
20 Higher Education Department

1. Directorate of University & Higher Education
2. Controller of Technical Education Office

1. Addl. Director, University and Higher Education Manipur
2. Controller of Technical Education, Manipur
1. O.S.D.( Planning)
2. Dy. Controller of Technical Education
21 Hills Department
1. ADC, Chandel
1. C.E.O.    
2. ADC,CCPur 2. C.E.O.
3. ADC,Sadar Hills, Kangpokpi 3. C.E.O.
4. ADC,Senapati 4. C.E.O.
5. ADC, Tamenglong 5. C.E.O.
6. ADC,Ukhrul 6. C.E.O.
22 Horticulture & Soil Conservation Director    



IFC Department

Chief Engineer 1. Superintending Engineer, Thoubal Circle-I
2. Superintending Engineer, Khuga Project Circle
3. Superintending Engineer, Irrigation Circle-II
4. Superintending Surveyor of Works
5. Executive Engineer, FCD-I
6. Executive Engineer, FCD-II
7. Executive Engineer, FCD-III
8. Executive Engineer, FCD-IV
24 Information & Public Relation irector    
25 Labour & Employment
1. Labour
2. Employment Exchanges
3. Craftsmen Training
1. Dy. Labour Commissioner Addl. Director, Employment Joint Director, Training   Principal Secretary
26 Law & Legislative Affairs
1. Spl . Court (NDPS)
1. The Judge    
2. Family Court   2. The Judge  
3. Directorate of Prosecution   3. The Judge  
4. Office of P.P Cum Govt. Adv .( HC) 4. P.P. Cum Govt. Adv.( HC)
5. MHRC 5. Dy. Secretary (MHRC) 
6. Manipur State Legal Service Authority 6. . Member Secretary  
7. State Election Commission   7. Secretary
8. District & Sessions Judge, M.E.     8. District & Session judge Manipur East
9. District & Session Judge, M.W. 9. District & Session Judge, Manipur West
27 MAHUD Joint Director (MAHUD)   Commissioner
28 Manipur Development Society
1. Engineering Works
1. K. Ibotombi Singh, Executive Engineer (Civil)   Y. Ningthem Singh, Project Director-Cum-Chief Engineer
2. Engineering Works 2. S. Rupkumar Singh, Surveyor of Works/EE
3. General & other establishment matters 3. S. Ranjit Singh, Asst. Administrative Officer
4. Agricultural Schemes 4. N. Shyamkishore Singh, Agriculture Officer
5. Handloom Schemes 5. N. Rajmani Singh, Asst. Director (Handloom)
29 Public Works Department S.E. (HQ)    
30 Minor Irrigation Chief Engineer    

P.H.E. Depaartment

Chief Engineer 1. Executive Engineer/Imphal West PHE Division  
2. Executive Engineer/Imphal East PHE Division
3. Executive Engineer/ Thoubal PHE Division
4. Executive Engineer/ Churachandpur PHE Division
5. Executive Engineer/ Bishnupur PHE Division
6. Executive Engineer/ Senapati PHE Division
7. Executive Engineer/ Ukhrul PHE Division
8. Executive Engineer/ Tamenglong PHE Division
9. Executive Engineer/ Chandel PHE Division
32 Planning Director    
33 Power Chief Engineer Superintending Engineer, Electrical Circle No.1  


1. Office of the D.C. Imphal West
1.D.C.Imphal West 1.SDO/Lamphel(C),SDO/Lamshang, SDO/Patsoi, SDO/Wangoi Commissioner/Secretary
2. Office of the D.C. Imphal East 2.D.C.ImphalEast   2.SDO/Porompat, SDO/Keirao Bitra, SDO/Swaombung
3. Office of the D.C. Bishnupur 3.D.C.Bishnupur  3. SDO Bishnupur, SDO/Moirang , DO/Nambol
4. Office of the D.C. Thoubal 4.D.C.Thoubal 4. SDO/ Thoubal , SDO/ Kakching , SDO/ Lilong
5. Office of the D.C. 6. Chandel   5. D.C.Churachandpur 5. SDO/ Churachandpur , SDO/ Henglep , SDO/ Thanlon , SDO/ Shinghat , SDO/ Parbung
6. Chandel    6.D.C.Chandel   6. SDO/ Chandel , SDO/ Chakpikarong , SDO/ Machi
7. Office of the D.C. Senapati   7.D.C.Senapati 7. SDO/ Tadubi , SDO/ Paomata , SDO/ Purul , SDO/ Saitu-Gamphajol, SDO/ Saikul
8. Office of the D.C. Tamenglong 8.D.C.Tamenglong   8. SDO/ Tamenglong , SDO/ Nungba,SDO/ Tamei , SDO/ Tousem
9. Office of the D.C. Ukhrul 9.D.C.Ukhrul  9. SDO/ Ukhrul , SDO/ Chingai,SDO/ Kamjong , SDO/ Kasom Khullen , SDO/ Phungyar
10. Office of the A. D.C. Jiribam 10.A.D.C. Jiribam  10. SDC/ Jiribam
11. Office of the A. D.C.Kangpokpi 11.A.D.C.Kangpokpi 11. SDC/ Kangpokpi
12. Office of the A. D.C.Moreh   12.A.D.C. Moreh  12. SDC/ Moreh
13. Office of the D.S. & L.R.   13. Director, DS & LR  13. Deputy Settlement Officer (HQ)/ Lamphelpat
14. Office of the Sub Registrar( HQ)   14.DC/District Registrar, IW 14. Sub-Registrar (HQ)/ Lamphelpat
15. Office of the Sub Registrar, Thoubal   15.DC/District Registrar, Thoubal 15. Sub-Registrar/ Thoubal
16.Office of the Sub Registrar, Bishnupur 16.DC/District Registrar,Bishnupur

16. Sub-Registrar/ Bishnupur
35 SCERT Director    
36 Directorate of Science & Technology & I.T.
1. Directorate
1. Director (SC & Tech)   Commissioner
3. MARSAC 3. Director, MARSAC  
4. MASTEC 4. Executive Director, MASTEC
37 State Academy of Trainings Joint Director   Director General/SAT
38 State Level Nodal Agency (Integrated Watershed Management Programme Planning Department) Shri A.K.Bowjit Singh,Technical Expert(Agri. Engineer)    
39 Tourism Director    
40 Transport Director    
41 Directorate of Development of Tribals & Scheduled Castes, Manipur Director    
42 Directorate of Vety.&A.H.Services Director    
43 Youth Affairs &Sports Director    


S.N. Name of Department Name and Designation of PIO Name and Designation of APIO Name and Designatin of FAA
1 Governors' Secretariat, Rajbhavan, Imphal Addl. Secretary to the Governor    

S.N. Name of Department Name and Designation of PIO Name and Designation of APIO Name and Designatin of FAA
S.N. Name of Department Name and Designation of PIO Name and Designation of APIO Name and Designatin of FAA
S.N. Name of Department Name and Designation of PIO Name and Designation of APIO Name and Designatin of FAA
1 Manipur Public Service Commission Jt. Secretary, M.P.S.C.    


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